It is known that Mani Ratnam’s ‘Raavan’ starring Vikram, Aishwarya Rai and Prithviraj is a bilingual for south – Tamil and Telugu. Vikarm also stars in the Hindi version of ‘Raavan’ with Abishekh Bachchan and Aiswarya Rai. Mani Ratnam who feels Vikram will be the next best thing happening to Bollywood from south has created a special trailer to introduce the national award winning actor to Bollywood in style. The special trailer will be a curtain raiser show casing Vikram’s style and substance using scenes from his earlier movies. Amitabh Bachchan is expected to release this special curtain raiser in March.
So expecting Vikram to make it big in Bollywwod after ‘Raavan’, Vikram’s current producers and getting ready to cash in. Mohan Natrajan who is doing a film with Vikram under Boopathy Pandian is all set to dub it in Hindi also. Ileana opposite Vikram will make it easy for Telugu dubbing. Vikram plays a police officer after ‘Samy’ in this untitled film. Brahmanandam will tickle the funny bones. Devi Sri Prasad will do the music instead of previously reported Mani Sharma.
So expecting Vikram to make it big in Bollywwod after ‘Raavan’, Vikram’s current producers and getting ready to cash in. Mohan Natrajan who is doing a film with Vikram under Boopathy Pandian is all set to dub it in Hindi also. Ileana opposite Vikram will make it easy for Telugu dubbing. Vikram plays a police officer after ‘Samy’ in this untitled film. Brahmanandam will tickle the funny bones. Devi Sri Prasad will do the music instead of previously reported Mani Sharma.