The much-awaited moment for the Mazhaikalam team, happened recently, when the movie trailer and audio launch of the film took place, after postponement from November, last year, when it was tentatively scheduled. Produced by A Yesudasan and M V Rajan for A R Screen Pvt. Ltd, the film is being directed by S Deepan, who has worked as an assistant director with Supergood Films. The film has Sreeram and Saranya Nag in lead roles along with Ganja Karuppu and others. Saranya was earlier seen in Tamil films like Kaadhal and Peranmai. Music for Mazhaikalam has been scored by Prem Anand, and the song lyrics have been penned by Ponnadiyar , Na. Muthukumar, Nandhalal, Egadhasi and Annai Saravanan .The audio was released R B Choudry of Supergood Films and was received by the students of Chennai Arts College in the presence of Henry and director Jananathan. The storyline of the film is based a love story and the relationship between two young lovers and how a doubt causes lot of trauma and damage to their relationship and whether and how things get sorted. |