Sexy siren Sherlyn Chopra surprised everyone by donning a desi avatar recently. A source said, “Sherlyn performed live for the Mumbai Police Force for their annual welfare show and she sported a complete desi attire. In fact it was Sherlyn who came up with the idea.”
Sherlyn performed on the famous Meena Kumari number Inhi Logon Ne at the event that was held in Navi Mumbai. “Inhi Logon Ne is Sherlyn’s favourite song and she suggested that it would be great to have it as the opening song,” said a source. Sherlyn said, “My act, which was the opening one, began with shayari and was followed by my dance sequence. It is a privilege to do something for our police force. They have a huge responsibility and they risk their lives to provide us security. This is my salute to them.”(DC)