Despite her two films, Saawariya and Delhi 6, not making way for her at the box office, Sonam Kapoor is still counted among Bollywood’s more sensational leading ladies.
She did manage to pick up accolades for her two performances and is being closely watched by the big daddies of cinema because she has talent in abundance… not to mention that ‘it’ quality to make her soar. In one of those off-the-cuff interviews, Sonam talks to BT about her leading men…
My chemistry with Ranbir is special. Ranbir will also always be the most special co-star in my life because he is my first hero. After Saawariya I was offered a couple of films with him but if we haven’t worked together, it is because I’ve decided that when we do team up it must be for something sensational. I don’t want to do a multiple heroine project with him. Both of us must have equal parts.(TNN)