Prabhu Deva, who is riding high after the success of his Bollywood debut film, Wanted, denied reports in the media that he has roped Nayantara as the lead actress in his next film.
"I am working on the finer details of the script. The heroine has not yet been finalised. A few of them are under consideration. I'm not considering Nayantara for the film. People even wrote that I am taking Nayanthara to Bollywood, which is totally untrue," said Prabhu Deva.
Prabhu Deva categorically denied any plans of making a sequel to the Blockbuster film, Wanted.
"Though the film is a big hit, it is not that easy to start a sequel to any subject. Where is the script for the new film? Moreover Salman is extremely busy with three projects, all of which are under production. But I am not totally ruling out the possibility of making another film in Bollywood. It's just that it may take a long time before that happens," he said.