Recently, Superstar Mohanlal has mesmerised everybody with his role in the movie ‘Bhramaram’. This Blessy film had the star as a person who is trapped all his life, due to an incident that happened in his childhood. With the similar story lines of revenge and deceit is the new movie ‘Shikaar’ which is getting ready to enter production. The movie will have Mohanlal again, this time as Balaraman, who share a deep relation with his lone daughter Ganga.
The movie will be a revenge story in the backdrop of the life of working class. ‘Naadodigal’ fame Ananya will appear as Ganga while the others in the cast includes Jagathy, Mukesh, Nandita Das, Lakshmi Gopalaswamy, ‘Thalaivasal’ Vijay, and Suraj Venjaramoodu. S. Suresh Babu is the scriptwriter while M. Padmakumar does the direction. The movie which had its pooja at Kochy, last week will start its shoot by the first week of March.