Now before the tittle-tattle ball gets rising and falling, we in actuality aren't chatting about the footballer! Bipsy stunned Maradona Rebello in recent times when she invited him over for a cup of coffee to formulate him feel contented around her! A unit associate revealed the sweet story. "Maradona makes his debut with Bipasha. So when she came to know of his anxiety in addition to tenseness, she called him in overindulgence of for cup of coffee at her place. Bipasha widespread her work experiences with him and told him that the cast and group were there to keep going him." Of course, Bips' pep-talk did more wonders than the coffee we're sure. Reminds us of the gaana — Tere sang ek simple si coffee bhi kick deti hai – which Abhishek Bachchan sang for Bipasha in the silver screen Zameen. And yes, Maradona hasn't been on position level post that coffee furthermore convo. Talks have it that he's on 'Cloud no 9'.