Nitin's 2-year old project Satyam Shivam Sundaram has been rechristened as Maro. The film has been unduly delayed due to some reasons but it has finally taken off. And what more, it is even ready for release. The Siddique-directed film has the new title Maro as the producers think it will be more catchy. Though Nithin has all along been seen as a lover boy in film after film, Maro will see him quite a new avatar. He is playing an IIT student in the film.
The actor is not playing a low brow role in it but an intelligent one who overcomes tribulations in his life by sheer cleverness. He is confronted with some problems and he solves them with mind games. The producers do not divulge any more information as yet. It has dialogues by Chintapalli Ramana and music by Mani Sharma.
Mamidala Srinivas and Sagar are producing it jointly.