Sarwanand and Ruby Parihar are playing the lead in Telugu movie Prasthanam directed by Deva Katta and produced by Ravi Vallabhaneni under the banner of VRC Media and Entertainments. The shooting of the film is going on at a brisk pace. Recently, a song was choreographed on the hero and heroine at Kodaikanal under the choreography of Kishore.
Producer says, “We introduced Parvati Melton as heroine through our debut film Vennela. Now, Ruby Parihar is making her debut through our latest film and she too would earn name and fame on the lines of Parvati Melton.”
Director says, “All the songs in Prasthanam are quite melodious and different. We gave equal preference to music and literary values. Vanamali, Chaitanya Prasad and Deva Katta penned the lyrics. All the songs were first penned and later they were tuned. Mahesh Shankar gave melodious tunes to all the songs.”
Saikumar, Sandeep Kishan, Vennela Kishore, Jayaprakash Reddy, Jeeva, Pavitra Lokesh, Surekha vani and others are in the cast. Vallabhaneni Rosaiah is the presenter of the movie, while camera is by Shyam Dutt.
Producer says, “We introduced Parvati Melton as heroine through our debut film Vennela. Now, Ruby Parihar is making her debut through our latest film and she too would earn name and fame on the lines of Parvati Melton.”
Director says, “All the songs in Prasthanam are quite melodious and different. We gave equal preference to music and literary values. Vanamali, Chaitanya Prasad and Deva Katta penned the lyrics. All the songs were first penned and later they were tuned. Mahesh Shankar gave melodious tunes to all the songs.”
Saikumar, Sandeep Kishan, Vennela Kishore, Jayaprakash Reddy, Jeeva, Pavitra Lokesh, Surekha vani and others are in the cast. Vallabhaneni Rosaiah is the presenter of the movie, while camera is by Shyam Dutt.