Director Gandhi Krishna's adaptation of Sujatha's novel 'Pirivom Sandhippom', will finally hit screens on April 10. The film, which has been ready for release for over a couple of months, is being produced by Aascar Films.
With new comer Sidharth and actress Tamannah in the lead, the film is about an obedient girl and the choice she makes for her own future. Music for the film, scored by GV Prakash Kumar, is already popular on the charts.
Having fed the acting desires of actress Tamannah, the movie is said to be one that the actress herself is looking forward to get released. "The film is special to me because my character is perfectly etched. And it is a powerful role like the one I played in 'Kallori'," says the actress.
With a slated April 10 release, the movie is all set to take on two colossuses: Vijayakanth's 'Mariyadhai' and the IPL series, which begins that day.
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